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(2014) Being shaken, Dordrecht, Springer.

Staging the event

the theatrical ground of metaphysical framing

William Egginton

pp. 177-185

In their Hermeneutic Communism and elsewhere, Gianni Vattimo and Santiago Zabala have advanced a powerful philosophical distinction, derived from Heidegger, between "framed" and "hermeneutic" thought.1 Their distinction is, to my mind, among the best modes of conceptualizing philosophical realism and its alternatives, not least because it draws attention to the material, medial underpinnings of thought in a similar way to how Heidegger himself alerted his readers to the way in which even purportedly "pure" forms of intuition like time and space (Kant) needed to be seen as always material, structured, embodied modes of existence.2

Publication details

DOI: 10.1057/9781137333735_12

Full citation:

Egginton, W. (2014)., Staging the event: the theatrical ground of metaphysical framing, in M. Marder & S. Zabala (eds.), Being shaken, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 177-185.

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