Antoon van den Braembussche

with Kimmerle, H. , Note, N. , 2009, Intercultural aesthetics: an introduction, in A. Van Den braembussche, H. Kimmerle & N. Note (eds.), Intercultural aesthetics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 1-9.

, 2009a, Presenting the unpresentable. on trauma and visual art, in A. Van Den braembussche, H. Kimmerle & N. Note (eds.), Intercultural aesthetics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 119-136.

, 2009b, Thinking art: an introduction to philosophy of art, Springer, Dordrecht.

with Kimmerle, H. , Note, N. (eds) , 2009a, Intercultural aesthetics: a worldview perspective, Springer, Dordrecht.