
Friedrich Nietzsche

(1998). Beyond good and evil. New York: Dover.

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(1967). On the genealogy of morals and Ecce Homo. New York: Random House.

(1991). On the relationship of Alcibiades' speech to the other speeches in Plato's Symposium. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, 15 (2), 3-5. https://doi.org/10.5840/gfpj199115245.

(2000). The birth of tragedy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

(1983). The birth of tragic thought. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, 9 (2), 3-15. https://doi.org/10.5840/gfpj1983921.

(1974). The gay science. London: Vintage.

(1968). The will to power. W. Kaufmann (Ed.). London: Weidenfeld.

(1999). Thus spake Zarathustra. New York: Dover.

(1925). Über die Zukunft unserer Bildungsanstalten. Leipzig: Kröner.

(1960). Werke III. München: Hanser.