Emmanuel Alloa

Emmanuel Alloa studied philosophy, history and art history in Freiburg, Padova, Berlin and Paris. He obtained his PhD in 2009 jointly from the University Paris I-Panthéon and the Free University Berlin. He has taught at the Département d’arts plastiques of Paris 8, was a Post-doc in the Eikones project in Basel and was assistant professor for philosophy at the University of St-Gallen until 2019. He has received several prizes for his work, including the Latsis-Prize in 2016 and the Aby Warburg Science Prize in 2019.


Handbuch Phänomenologie


with Caminada Emanuele, Breyer Thiemo (ed)

Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck

Open Access Link

Studia Phaenomenologica 23

Phenomenologies of the image


La imagen diáfana: Fenomenologia de los medios visuales


Santiago de Chile, metales pesados

Looking through images: a phenomenology of visual media


New York, Columbia University Press

Partages de la perspective


Paris, Fayard